Am I Virtualised? Revisiting my final year project

Unfortunately, we won’t be covering any of the arguments regarding simulation theory. But, I am offering a method to detect whether code is running in a virtual environment and this article as a very casual summary of it. Including generating some new data! and graphs!

As usual, this next section is for quickly hopping between sections:


The question

“Is this code running in a virtual environment” is the question several codebases ask. Both malware and cheat detection programs are notable examples of software that wants the answer to this question.

Normally code is running on your computer via a pre-made application:

This is the normal situation for most applications. We log-in to Windows and open our favourite apps. But we have special cases such as “the cloud” and other peoples servers where code is also ran.

In these cases the code (Application) is not running directly on top of the usual operating system and hardware:

This code (and Application) is not running traditionally. It is (at some point) running under some hind of Hypervisor. The whole machine is sharing it’s resources between several “virtual machines” via this hypervisor.

So what’s actually different and why does this matter?

Well, to skip over a lot and overly simplify things a tad, not every part of every bit of code that usually runs in your computer works/is trusted when running in a Virtual machine(VM). The Hypervisor needs to catch these and handle them differently. These “privileged instructions” need to be handled specially by the hypervisor for a variety of reasons.

So, a “privileged instruction’s” journey usually looks like this:

But, ends up looking something like this when running in a VM:

And that’s usually much slower than non-privileged code. In my project I timed two instructions to see if there was a discernible difference as stated in existing research papers. One of my graphs showed a comparison between the timing of a privileged instruction (CPUID) and the timing of a normal instruction (NOP)(which actually does nothing but is still useful):

And we can see that this intuition plays out. A clear distinction between the time it takes a CPUID instruction and NOP to run in Virtualised vs Native (non-virtualised/normal) instances.


So does this still work today? Sort of…

For an explanation of the test systems, see the section “Glossary of test environments”.

There is still a clear difference between virtual and native operation for the most part. But this is mainly due to the use of VirtualBox for the middle and left clusters. Having a closer look at the Native results in the bottom left…

…We can see that there’s still a clear division between normal timings and virtualised timings. The testing also used simulated “busyness” on the system to simulate a high use system, such as intense gaming/other workloads. Simulated busyness can be seen to have a definite affect on the speed of the measurements, but not enough in the Native execution to start to become indistinguishable from the virtual results.

Given the initial graph it seems like a simple dividing line would still be appropriate with minimal false-positives.

The repository holding the results is here. The remaining close-ups of the other clusters are as follows:

Glossary of test environments

  • N1 – PC – AMD 5800X, 32GB RAM
  • N2 – Laptop – Intel i5-11400H, 16GB RAM
  • V1V – N1 VirtualBox – Allocated: 4v cores, 8GB RAM, 125GB disk
  • V2V – N2 VirtualBox – Allocated: 4v cores, 8GB RAM, 125GB disk
  • V3P – Proxmox – Allocated: 4v cores, 8GB RAM, 125GB disk
  • AWS – AWS Microsoft Windows Server instance c5.xlarge

Previous data/research

Originally I had an incredibly ambitious idea of the amount of work was achievable given the time I had at University. Many of the comments, intentions and the especially, are not entirely accurate to the end scope. I’ve certainly improved considerably since leaving university, but I will share the repository without edits and with a repeated caveat emptor regarding applicability.

I’ve added my final university document below:

And the initial research paper which inspired me to engage in this project:

“Detecting Hardware-Assisted Virtualization”, Michael Brengel, Michael Backes, Christian Rossow

Recent Experience with Message Queues

I’ve recently had the opportunity to put into practice my aptitude and thoughts on microservices and message queues. For this first article I will focus on the RabbitMQ ecosystem for message queues. As I have gained a breadth of practical knowledge, I have written down and linked to each topic I’ve covered along with some thoughts and examples, where applicable. This article is a collection of the lessons I have learned so far, and is intended to be a practical/semi-technical summary of concepts that come to mind.

The following keywords have been capitalised throughout the article: Consume(r), Produce(r), Message(s), Service(s), Exchange(s)

And also a large thank you to those who gave me the time to get my head around their system, and gave me a step-up to learn more in my own time.

Articles in this series:

  • Overview: Recent Experience with Message Queues
  • Implementation: Testing Message Queue Strategies – AWS, Proxmox, and Monolith (On hold)
  • Auto-Scaling: Scaling with Microservices and Message Queues (On hold)

Unfortunately due to personal circumstances and time commitments the additional articles in this series are currently on hold


Message Queueing systems

Message queues provide a shared system for Message flow. Rather than having an intricate system for marrying senders to receivers, Message Queue’s provide a way to Queue messages for Services to Consume from at will.

Popular Message queue systems include RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka. In this article I will be focusing on RabbitMQ’s features as I have practical experience with it.

Message Queueing: In practice

To give a practical summary, Message queue’s allow you to define a system for processing packages of data (Messages) by passing them around via queues. This system can be additive, subtractive, destructive, or otherwise manipulative of the data in Messages. The Services handling these messages do not have to preserve data, and must be designed and implemented to do so. Each Service registering as a Consumer to a queue has the potential to edit, corrupt, or otherwise destroy Messages and their contents once receipt is acknowledged. The default behaviour of a message queue is to preserve messages until they are pulled from, and they are acknowledged.

Producers (Services that create, and/or forward Messages) put Messages onto a queue. Consumers (Services that pull Messages from a queue) pull messages from a queue to interact with the contents in some way. Conceptually, from these you can make systems with many number moving parts that Consume and Produce Messages directly into many queues to communicate and process data. Essentially, this loosely defines a process or sequence to be followed.

At this level of complexity, dealing with queue’s directly, the basic Message flow is as follows:

Producers (Green) push Messages onto a Queue. Consumers (Red) pull from the same Queue.

Note: You may wish to stay at this level of complexity when dealing with Message queues. Beyond utilising queues directly there is an increased burden to utilise vendor specific implementations of message handling. Handling Message queue choice within the Services themselves may be preferable to prevent any vendor specific implementations. This vendor lock-in may become technical debt in the circumstance where a different vendor is needed/wanted.

Beyond this article, RabbitMQ also provides Queue usage in their tutorials section. The above diagram describes a basic “Hello World!” style interaction with a Message queue.

Message Queueing: Building in Automation?

The RabbitMQ Tutorials page additionally describes the exchange and Stream-Queue components. I will focus on the exchange component for the moment. The exchange can be used to automate message flow depending on the implementation chosen. Before explaining a few of the techniques I have tested, a short explanation of the exchange and it’s modes of operation:

The exchange:

The Exchange (Blue) routes each Message to a Queue. This is a Direct Exchange

Several types of Exchange exist. The above is an example of a direct Exchange. Generally, the type of Exchange determines how it routes and the technique/method used to do so. Whereas the bindings from Exchange to Queue, determine the rules and where Messages can go/are routed.

The operation of the Queue types is summarised below:

TypeRoutingDuplicates Messages?
DirectMessages with a key, are routed directly to queues bound with that key:
Message with Key “A” -> queue bound with key “A”
When bound with the same key
TopicMessages with a key, are routed depending on a queue’s routing pattern:
Message key “A.B.C” -> queue bound with pattern “A.B.C”
and queue Pattern “A.#” (# any more words)
and queue Pattern “*.B.C” or “A.B.*” (* any single word)
When the routing key matches the pattern of multiple binding patterns
FanoutThis exchange ignores bound queues routing keys, and duplicates the message to all bound queuesTo all bound
HeadersUses Message Header values to exchange.
Bindings can set matching to all headers (x-match: all)(default), or any headers (x-match: any)
All matching header configurations

These exchanges can be used in conjunction with queues and Message tags (Keys and Headers) to automate the transport of Messages around a system.

Example: Automated message flows

I have designed the following systems around business processes I’m aware of.

Simple automated redirection of Messages based on entity type

As a basic example, in the above system images and documents are directed to their own pre-processors, before utilising their output for textual summary generation. In this system, the input tags each Message with it’s type Key before publishing the Message to the Exchange.

Note: The Messages in these examples don’t need to contain full files. They may contain references to an external file share instead.

Exchanges can also be bound to other Exchanges

It is also possible to bind exchanges together. In the example above, the system is pre-sorting update results from deployed devices. This system is designed to aid visibility when rolling out updates to devices. In an update rollout, deployed devices are onboarded into larger and larger cohorts for the new update until it is open to the public. In the above design, updates from devices enrolled in the rollout who’s updates errored or encountered warnings are also sent to a secondary “Rollout DB”. This would allow for accurate tracking of defects, and quick detection of issues without the need to search through a larger main database.

An exchange acting as an “alternate-exchange”

I believe the above design would be useful to prevent message delivery failures more elegantly when the criteria used for forwarding isn’t necessarily predictable. I’m considering it an equivalent of “if-else” due to the way it handles undelivered Messages. This happens by declaring the second exchange an ‘alternate-exchange’ of the first during Exchange creation. So ‘if’ a Message is undeliverable to any existing bindings, the Message is passed to the ‘alternate-exchange’ instead of being unhandled. This would make detecting and re-processing orphaned Messages easier.

In case of errors there are also “dead letter exchanges“, which can be used to further route rejected/timed out Messages.

Message Queueing: Handling speed and errors

I have come across some interesting challenges around Message queues.

The primary areas are around errors, logging, and the speed (both of the queues themselves and Message processing by services). There is an additional section on potentially catching lost Messages.

Handling: Queue speed: Acknowledge

Because Consumers pull from queues, and queues prevent Message loss, each Message that has been pulled but not acknowledged is an overhead for the Message queue.

One way of resolving the speed issue on the queue is to acknowledge the message as soon as it is pulled into the Service, lowering the queue depth for RabbitMQ (or similar) to handle. When we do this, we are changing the fundamental premise of acknowledging from “I am done with the Message” to “I have the Message”, and there is now a risk we will lose the Message permanently if there is an error. This is because acknowledging a message removes it from the queue it was just pulled from and that could be the only copy of the Message. Queues can be set to do this automatically with the “autoack” setting. If queue speed is a necessity and this is the solution, I have considered a method of detecting Messages lost in a system in the section “Detecting: Lost Messages” further down.

The general routine for ensuring preservation of Messages in the case of Service failure/crashes/bugs is to engage in the following within a service:

  1. Wait for / Pull new Message
  2. Process the Message
  3. Send the output to the next queue/other method
  4. Acknowledge the Message (when manual acknowledgement/similar is active)
  5. Repeat

If the service crashes or otherwise fails to operate, the Queue can send the unacknowledged Message to a different service instance for processing after a timeout.

This may also occur, and cause a double Consumption, if the Message is difficult to process. The queue’s timeout should be changed if the rate of processing is known, to prevent this double Consumption.

Handling: Queue speed: Service slowdown

While not directly a Queue issue, the queue is impacted when service instances do not process Messages efficiently. From what I have seen so far, RabbitMQ Queues seem to engage in round robin despatch of Messages to registered Consumers. On it’s face, this is not a problem. But not all Messages carry the same processing burden.

When Messages take differing amounts of resources to process, it can help to set the channel prefetch limit. This sets a limit on how many messages are earmarked for each service instance. This ensures that non-earmarked Messages are sent to less congested service instances, increasing overall system throughput and preventing newly queued Messages from waiting on a congested Service instance.

Addendum: Beyond Message processing variability, it may be that the Service itself is at issue. Performance may be on the table if the Service codebase itself is not written performantly. If you are targeting a Service which pulls multiple Messages for processing, it may be appropriate to multithread or look into taking advantage of SIMD(Single Instruction Multiple Data) where possible to speedup processing. Each of these will require analysing the Service to determine if there is wasted or idle CPU time, and if the re-engineering is compatible with the intended hosting arrangement.

Handling: Queue speed: Queue slowdown

Queue slowdown can be due to small amounts of Messages being requested by multiple Consumers. This makes it more difficult for the Queue to manage Messages.

Services have the option of requesting a larger ‘batch’ of Messages at once. So a solution may be to reconfigure Service instances to: Process more Messages in parallel per instance; and have more resources at hand to do so such as virtual CPU’s and RAM.

The caveat of this approach is the same variable Message processing problem described in “Service Slowdown” above. If Messages are variable in their processing burden, additional logic is needed to Consume a variable number of additional Messages and Publish a variable number of Messages to maintain throughput.

Another potential solution (without sacrificing Messages through a queue max-length) is to venture into multiple nodes with High Availability. But I have not yet covered this myself.

Detection: Lost messages

Because it is possible for Messages to disappear in Services (e.g. when auto-acknowledged), it needs to be handled when possible. It may be wise to include a sub-system around the intended Message queue, to account for (and potentially re-transmit) lost Messages.

A design to detect Message loss

This would involve implementing a tracking mechanism/functionality whereby Messages leaving the system are compared with Messages which entered. In this circumstance it may be more applicable to use a “Stream” for the initial Message copy. This would allow the Tracker to search the stream, rather than destructively reading them from a queue and needing to hold multiple Message copies, potentially losing them.

To make the logic for Tracking simpler, this design could uniquely tag Messages at the input with an inserted hash or similar. This would simplify the logic needed to detect Message loss at the Tracker.

Improved Lost Message detection with Message replay

Additionally, once Message loss is established the design could be improved by allowing the Tracker to replay the Message into the “Service_Queue” (as in the diagram above). If the replayed Message is then re-encountered at the exit, it can be considered successfully processed. This presumes that the unreliability is not due to the Message contents, and that either whole Message contents or only a unique Message/Task identifier is re-transmitted by the Service.

Logging: and general error handling

Capturing logs can be achieved through the usual method of being Produced in a Service and adding it to a queue or similar. The Messages stored can then be Consumed and sorted by an external Service/Program, or otherwise handled/read.

The remainder of this segment lists some additional error handling and the areas I am looking into and my thoughts:

  • Dead letter exchanges – Handling when a message is rejected or otherwise expires
  • Handling double message Consumption
    • When a Message times-out whilst being processed by a Service, it is put back on the queue. Sometimes this is not due to the Service failing, but because the Message is difficult to process. The same Message is then re-processed to other Services, and this can potentially spread to all available Service instances
    • Similarly ‘broken’ Messages (which will be implementation specific) will never be correctly processed. Identifying these would be useful and prevent Service degradation. Dead letter exchanges may be useful here, to handle actively rejected messages
    • Consider adding a retry count to the contents of the Message, and returning it to the queue with a reject and requeue it. Rejecting it to a dead letter exchange when a max retries is met

Message Queues for the Monolith

When Studying Message queues I have come across another potential option for scenarios where a highly performant monolith is preferred.

Message queues which are built into the application themselves skip the network layer of a distributed system, and allow some decoupling within a monolith.

MPMCQueue is one such example, and is in use where latency sensitivity is critical, such as high intensity games and low latency trading infrastructure.

Hardware and software requirements, for a scenario specific datacentre (2019)

Scenario details (assumptions)

An educational institution, loosely modelled after the university of Plymouth, requires a new datacentre to support operations. The datacentre is required to support administrative operations specifically. These operations include web, and file storage capabilities.

There are two types of employee in the administration. General Information (GI) which complete general tasks, and staff which handle Sensitive Information (SI) such as disability/health related documents.

A web site supporting GI employees, is required. This will hold the employee self-service system, responsible for expense claims, contractual information, payroll and holiday authorisation. SI employees will also have access to this system for their general needs. This includes an SQL backend, storing data, and receiving requests from web servers.

A file server for SI employees to store supporting documents, is also needed, and required to be secure.


Peak usage

To estimate usage, it is assumed that there are five departments, with fifteen staff each. Twenty percent of which are SI staff. For a total of seventy-five, of which fifteen access SI resources.

To estimate GI services, the Moodle website will be used. On initial load the main page transfer takes 2.5MB. Subsequent loads transfer 1017kb. The load comes from GI staff using the services to perform their duties. It is assumed that a GI staff member will request 80 pages per hour. At seventy-five staff this comes to a peak of, 6000 per hour, 100 requests per minute, or roughly 0.816 Gigabits of throughput.

SI services require file transfer. After the GI requests there is 23MBs of headroom for file transfer. It is assumed that Si staff behaviour, is to upload files to the SI file server for filing and storage, after sensitive paperwork has been submitted. The processing of paperwork by SI staff is for one file per 20 minutes. Assuming a file size of 1.2MB, at fifteen SI staff, this equates to 54MB per hour. Which is less than 1MBs average. With TCP Windowing, file transfer will exceed this speed briefly but should not reach 23MBs, even with fifteen users.

Light use on main SI server, allows for its resources to be timeshared with the GI server. Migration of VM’s from the high load of the SE server to the SI server, will maintain a high degree of reliability and speed for the datacentre as a whole.



The traffic estimation concludes that standard gigabit cabling is sufficient to handle client requests to and from the GI services. As well as file transfers for SI staff. Each server will need at minimum two Gigabit Lan ports, and a lower speed 100/100 port. The GI VLan requires ~0.8 Gigabits of throughput. The management VLan requires Gigabit throughput for after hours backups. And the SI VLan does not need much throughput.


The storage requirements come from the SI file storage server. At 23,000 students and an estimated incidence of disability between 0.8 and 5.7 (The Office for Disability Issues, n.d.), I estimate the percentage of university students to be near two percent. This gives an estimated number of students with SI files of 460. At minimum the storage requirements would be 8GB. This includes medical documentation, as well as extenuating circumstances for four years.

Each apache VM for processing web requests will take up 10GB for web resources.

The SQL server will take up more space than the Apache VM’s, and is a singular server instance holding the data for the GI service. 100Gb will be provisioned for this VM.

The load balancing VM’s storage will be minimal at 3GB as this mainly requires processing.

In total, a minimum of 132GB. With two apache VM’s. This storage will reside on a shared SAN.


Both servers will be hardware identical to allow for failover I the event of hardware failure. This means that each server needs to handle the requests for the entirety of the GI and SI services if the need arises.

This will require each Server to have a threading capacity of at least 9 threads. Three for load balancing, and web VMs. And three each for the file, and SQL VMs.


1GB for each load balancing, and web VM, at least three. 2GB for the SQL server, to ensure efficient processing of requests. 2GB for the File server. A total of 7GB.



Security in the design is provided by the segmentation in place. The VLan’s limit the ability for potential vulnerabilities to be leveraged. In the event an attacker is able to access a VM. They will only be able to attack other areas of their respective VLan.

The management VLan is only available through physical access. No forwarding is done by the router, and internet access is monitored by an IDS. The GI VLan is accessed through the router by port forwarding ports 80 and 443, for HTTP and HTTPS respectively. This allows GI users to easily access the GI site. As the site is not forwarded to the internet, it will not be targeted by automated scans.



Direct attached storage will be used for each server. Each server’s disks are part of a five disk RAID array configured in RAID 5. This gives a storage efficiency of 80 percent. Each disk will store 250GB, meaning a total array, per server, of 931GB after efficiency.

This RAID implementation will allow high performance, as write and read operations can overlap. Write operations will require the recalculation of the parity information, but this write operation will occur on a different disk from the origin write. So should not impact performance significantly. Disk failure is also mitigated through the distributed parity information. The array will still be able to function with one disk failure. However, a successive failure within this replacement window could cause the array to fail, especially with batch-correlated failures.

To mitigate batch-correlated failure from the use of disks from the same batch. It is recommended in this instance to diversify the origin of disks, in both manufacturer and production batch (Paris & Long, 2006). Disks will be procured from entirely different manufacturers and batches, used and evenly allocated to the SAN to maximise disk diversity. Spares from this process will be kept stored for the event of disk failure, to be immediately swapped for array rebuild. This would reduce the likelihood of batch-correlated failure from 63% to 0.02%, when replacing a failed disk within one day. The mean time between failures for the 5 disk array is near 320,000 hours using modern disks. Individually they are near 1.6 million.

This implementation is used in conjunction with a shared Storage Area Network (SAN). Where each server comprises a host with access to the entirety of the SAN.


Each server requires three ethernet ports. One for each VLan. Through these the VM’s will be only able to reach their respective users through the router, while the VM’s themselves will not have routing to other VLans.


Reliability is maintained by the duplication of hardware. In the event that a physical server becomes inoperable, due to firmware/software upgrades, or damage. The VM’s can be manually temporarily migrated to the other, while normal operations are being restored.

Load Balancing

The load balancer VM is responsible for balancing the load of incoming https connections to the running apache web VM’s. A utility such as HAProxy running in the VM, allows this. Running the load balancer in a VM ensures uptime, as another instance can be configured quickly.

Load balancing in this way ensures that capacity can scale linearly. While this approach will incur a slight latency increase, this should be made up for in the increased throughput multiple server instances provide.

Virtualising the load balancing, and web servers in this way imparts important benefits. Outer-network communication is conserved for the serving of client data, and intra-network communication is received by the VM’s quickly. Not needing to go through a physical network switch, just to come back into the LAN, it is handled inside the hypervisor on a virtual switch. This allows the load balancer to communicate directly with each server to gather load data, and make informed balancing decisions.

The usage of ESXi however, means that further provisioning of extra resources to load balance, requires manual intervention. Unlike other cloud platforms which offer this as an automated service.


Virtualisation has been chosen for this design, as to minimise the redundancy of hardware that comes with physically expanding a datacentre. Dedicated tasks running each on a physical host, does not utilise the full power of the hardware available. Virtualisation ensures the hardware runs at an efficient capacity, in terms of hardware, space, and power.

The management of these devices is achieved through the ESXi, bare-metal hypervisor. Rather than host based. Bare metal ensures the least amount of non-virtualisation overhead. Through the web client, ESXi command line, or various vSphere programs, the hypervisor can be configured to run VM’s as needed.

ESXi is an example of paravirtualization. This has been chosen when compared to other virtualisations techniques due to several factors. Paravirtualization enhances the normal virtualisation process by enabling guest hosts to communicate with the hypervisor directly for instructions that are more efficient to be run by the hypervisor. However, operating systems are required to be compiled with paravirtualization in order to support being virtualised in this way.

Esxi also provides full virtualisation, which does not require a specifically compiled operating system. Operating systems ran this way are unaware that they are virtualised. ESXi fully virtualises the environment in which the VM OS runs. All commands from the VM OS are run to simulated components and hardware, through to the hypervisor. This requires the hypervisor to manage any and all privileged commands from the VM OS. This comes with some overhead to process and catch these commands.

While paravirtualization is preferred, it is understood that some VM’s will eb run on these systems with the overhead of full virtualisation as required.

SI staff will be able to access the file server through FTPS, which will be forwarded through the router.

VMWare High Availability will provide the servers with the failover capability required. It ensures that when a server fails, each isolated VM is brought back online by booting them on the other server.

SAN (Storage Attached Network)

Incorporating the RAID array is the SAN. This SAN will be attached to both GI and SI servers, allowing one to assume all stored VM’s as a failover. This will be attached by Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), as the throughput is expected to be nearing but below gigabit speeds. This makes FCoE suitable for the purpose. Both hosts will use SCSI over FCoE to access the SAN storage area. One storage area identified by a Logical Unit Number (LUN), will be used and shared.

Direct Attached Storage(DAS) will not be used, other than to boot the servers, to enable proper failover of VM’s. In the event of a hardware failure, either physical server will need access to all information. Making a SAN rather than a DAS solution, more applicable.


As the datacentre is only for the department, the VM’s can be called to shutdown after hours, and their VM files can be backed up automatically by the hypervisor, to an offsite backup solution. Security is still maintained for this as the secure VM’s, including storage, can be wholly encrypted.

This backup regimen also means that in the event of a failover, the last disk backup can be downloaded and used in place of a current/corrupt one. Continuing operations.


Data centre Topology Diagram

Figure 1 Proposed Topology of Datacentre

Network Topology

Topographically, the datacentre exists attached to the central network of the administration with a router. This location allows the datacentre to communicate with it’s users with the lowest latency possible.

Access to patch the servers directly is provided by the management VLan.

Rack Cabinet

The standard width telephony cabinet would need to be a minimum of fourteen standard units in height to hold the equipment specified.

The rack uses a top-of-rack routing design for network connection, as it is assumed that the facilities for underfloor routing and further aggregation do not exist.

In this scenario, the facilities for end-of-row routing are also unneeded. Mainly due to the small size of the datacentre required, and the redundancy of an additional rack for routing.

In future, when expanding, end-of-row routing would be the preferred option.

Electrically the rack will require dedicated lines to ensure that adequate amperage can be supplied. An uninterrupted power supply will be used as an intermediary to power the rack. This will allow the servers, and other potentially sensitive operations to shutdown gracefully upon power loss. These servers are assumed to not require power during power cuts, as the employees will not be able to work during these times.


This datacentre is a type two. It implements redundant hardware to improve availability and ensure uptime. But does not provide the multiple cooling, power paths necessary for Tier three. This design does however implement redundant components, a server is able to fail and functionality migrated to restore service. Which puts this design on track for tier three, with future expansion and improvement.


Paris, j.-F. & Long, D. D., 2006. Using Device Diversity to Protect Data against Batch-Correlated Disk Failures. [Online]
Available at:

The Office for Disability Issues, n.d. Disability prevalence estimates 2011/12. [Online]
Available at:

System Virtualisation…

…is a concept whereby an operating system is executed from a simulated environment rather than directly on any physical hardware. These virtualised instances are kept in containers such as files, which contain all the needed configuration and disk information needed to be instantiated.

A normal PC exists in several layers as shown below. To virtualise it the hardware layer through to the application layer are containerised. With the hardware layer being replaced with configuration data, and the data of the system(OS and Applications) existing as a virtual disk(s) within this container.

These virtual machine(VM) instances are managed from a hypervisor. This is implemented in two main types:

Type 1 – Bare Metal Hypervisor

Examples include: ESXi, Xen, Hyper-v and KVM

The hypervisor runs on directly on the host’s hardware acting as a “thin” operating system for the host machine. Guest OS’s run on the hypervisor through virtual machine instances.

This approach is often preferred, as running directly on hardware allows for higher virtualisation efficiency.

Type 2 – Host Based Hypervisor

Examples include: VMware workstation and VirtualBox.

The hypervisor runs through the host operating system. The hypervisor manages resources through the host operating system rather than being able to directly manage these resources.

This type of virtualisation is very useful for temporary instances of machines, which would otherwise need to be placed on another physical machine. This approach in particular can be used to do live forensics on a revert-able disk image.

This approach is less efficient than type-1, and relies upon the interoperability that the host OS provides. For example a host OS, in some circumstances, may not passthrough the CPU’s virtualisation suites. Causing the hypervisor to rely on software emulation.

Virtualisation Implementation

So if a VM is supposed to work as if it were it’s own dedicated machine, how does the host hypervisor support this?

Virtual Cores

Each VM is assigned virtual cores (vCPU) upon creation. Each of these is (usually) a virtualised thread of host CPU execution managed by the hypervisor. In a hypervisor such as ESXi, the inbuilt resource scheduler spreads workload over the physical CPU by taking into account vCPU workload, and allocating physical CPU time to these vCPU’s as needed.

As such an underutilised internal http website VM would be given less physical CPU time, than an intensive video encoding VM running on the same host. These VM’s should still be given the physical CPU time needed to complete their executions, but would be able to share the resources of a capable host system.

Types of Virtualisation

No Virtualisation

An example diagram of requests to the hardware in the normal scenario without virtualisation.

Full Virtualisation

Full virtualisation emulates all instructions sent to the physical CPU by the VM. This is very performance intensive as binary translation is needed for VM OS requests.

Full virtualisation is mainly used in host based virtualisation.


Paravirtualisation lets most instructions run directly on the hardware of the host machine without emulation. The only instructions that are changed are non-virtualisable instructions, these are replaced with hypercalls that communicate directly with the hypervisor. The hypervisor will also provide other hypercall interfaces to the VM such as memory management, interrupt handling and timekeeping.

This involves the modification of the VM OS to handle all, non-privileged but still sensitive instructions. As the OS needs to be modified, any OS’s which are unmodifiable are not compatible with Paravirtualisation.

Hardware Assisted Virtualisation

Hardware enhancements from AMD and Intel assist in the virtualisation process. Technologies such as VT-x (Intel) and AMD-v (AMD), allow the hypervisor to run in a root mode. Privileged and sensitive calls are automatically trapped by these technologies, removing the necessity of either binary translation or Paravirtualisation.

In 2008 under some workloads, hardware assisted virtualisation performed worse than binary translation. As of writing, intel boasts that the VT-x technology is as fast as native CPU utilisation.

Available since 2006, hardware assisted virtualisation enhancements are used by VMware, Microsoft, Parallels and Xen, to name a few.